Participant #1: You are listening to. Hello, Cupcake, it's me, a podcast with your host, Michael Peterson. Hey, everyone. Michael here with. Hello, Cupcake, it's me. A podcast today is April 8, 2022. And how are you? Oh, man. So getting right into it. This isn't a sponsored podcast or anything like that. I just wanted to give a shout out to the bank that I happened to use and wanted to tell you guys about it. It's called First Internet Bank of Indiana. I've been with them for over ten years now, and it is one of the best financial institutes in the world. I know. In one of my previous videos, our last podcast, I talked about how I was just feeling upset by the level of service that I had received. This morning, I got a call from the guy who's directly under the VP, and he called me up and he said, Michael, I am so sorry. I just wanted to reach out to make sure that everything was okay and that you were taking care of in a timely manner. Your value customer to us. And we see that you have been with the first Internet family for ten plus years now. And what happened? How can we fix this so that it doesn't happen again? And so we were on the phone for like a good 15 minutes just talking about what happened and what was going on. And I reiterated to him everything that had happened with me trying to deposit my checks via eye scan, which is a feature that they have had now for the last couple of years where you can just take a picture of your check and automatically upload it into your account or you can scan it in using your PC and upload it to your account that way. And in the past when I have done this, I've never had any issues whatsoever in getting my checks to clear or to having that money show up instantaneously in my account. So I was really kind of upset this time around when I went to deposit a check that it didn't show and it didn't even come up on my side saying that I had deposited this check. And of course, whenever you are dealing with your money and you're trying to pay bills and everything and things don't work out, it's an instantaneous crisis. And that's kind of how it was like I needed to pay a bill, that money was going in to pay said bill, and I needed to have that timestamp on there and that time stamp wasn't going to be on there. So I had to get a hold of the company and hold rigorous. But the fact that the bank reached out to make sure that everything was okay and that things were taken care of properly and what have you just like that really solidified my stance and wanting to stay with them as my financial institution. So if you're looking for a new bank or you just want to open up another account, check them out. Their website is www. Dot. Firstib, Participant #1: you can open up an account with as little as $25. They have direct deposit. They do all the services of a traditional bank. The only thing that they don't do is provide you with your checks. So like if you needed checks from that account, I think that you can buy it from them. Or if you go through like one of those check companies where you order your checks with your routing number and all that other stuff on it, then you can connect it to that account. But I don't ever use checks. I only deposit them. So that may have changed and I probably should have more information on that if I'm going to do a shout out. But like I said, this isn't a sponsorship or anything like that. They don't even know that I'm making this podcast talking about it. But they have all kinds of specialty forms. They have home mortgages, they have credit cards, they're on the up and up. And like I said, I've been with them for a little over ten years now. And I just like the fact that if I need to talk to a teller, I have the option of talking to them directly online or if I go to the Teller's tab, it shows me all the sellers that are available to take calls and a direct phone number to them and it isn't charged. Like some banks will charge you to talk to a teller first. Internet is not like that. So I'm going to leave a link in the Show Notes or Show Notes description about this bank. But I absolutely love them. Some people ask me, well, how do you get your money deposited into your account? Like if you have cash and you just need to add a 20 to your account, they have a network of ATMs available nationwide. So you would just go to one of those there's a find the ATM locator thing on the app and on the website and you're good to go. They don't charge you for withdrawing your money. If the ATM charges you like $3, I think that they give you that money back again. I don't ever withdraw money from an ATM. I always just use one of my debit cards. And again, something I probably should know about. But yeah, I just wanted to give you guys a little bit of information about that banking institution and my experiences with them. And I'm extremely transparent in everything that I do. And if I see something that is not only a benefit for myself, but has great customer service and whatever else, I'm the first one to talk it up. And I'm also the first one to say we kind of steer away from this person or this bank or this business or whatever else because I live on an extreme fixed income and I know what it's like to be nickel and dime to death. And you don't have to keep a minimum balance in your account. It's recommended to keep at least a Penny in your account to keep it from being closed out. But you have no monthly maintenance fees, minimum balance fees, or any of that other stuff. So it's really awesome. And I highly suggest you go take a look and just give it a once over and again, that website is www. Dot firstib. So getting into the second part of this show, we got to talk about driving. And I know driving is a huge issue no matter where you're at, but especially here in the state of Washington. Man, I hate Washingtonian drivers. Having been from California, where I was born, raised and learned to drive and all that other stuff, and then moving here to Washington. Fuck that, man. I hate the drivers up here. So the other day, I was coming out of the industrial area of where I live, and I was at an intersection, and I looked both directions. There was no one there. That intersection has a speed limit of it goes from 50 down to 40, 30 to 25. Well, I was in that stretch where it goes from 40 to 30, and I looked. No one was there. And I pulled out this car materializes behind me, and they are freaking the fuck out, flipping me off, throwing their hands up in the air. And at first, I did that whole little like, oh, I'm sorry, wave. I'm like, sorry, sorry. And I'm trying to get my car to, like, go faster because it's a little bit of an incline where we're at. And they got right up on my tail. And then they dropped down and got right up on my tail again. She's just, like, flipping the fuck out. And I Slam on my brakes. And I was like, don't do that. And I'm looking at her and her husband right in my rear view mirror. Do not do that. And she's all like, what are you doing? What are you doing? Like, yelling and screaming. And I opened the door and I stopped traffic in both directions. And I opened my door and I was like, do we have to do this? Because if so, this isn't going to end well for one of us, and it's going to be you that it doesn't end well for. I'm like, I told you I'm sorry. Back the fuck off. Shut up. And so the whole time, she was like, oh, my God. Like, literally clutching her pearls because she thinks that I'm about ready to come back there and do something, which, being bipolar, I almost did. I was losing control of my facilities at that point. I was just like, motherfucker, this bitch is going to catch it. And I just saw her husband tense up or whatever. And I'm just like, this is how we're going to have the day today. It's going to end in me fighting these two fools. And Participant #1: I closed my car door and I go to drive off and traffic resumes on the other side and I get to this roundabout and she's still acting out of pocket. And had I not been completely through that turn and there was a line of cars behind her and coming from the other direction, I would have just come right back in behind her and followed her home and been like, what the hell? Why are you like this? You were nowhere near me. Like, I had this whole scenario played out. Participant #1: I was just going to follow them. Like, what the hell is your issue? Why did you have to act like that? You were going beyond the speed limit. You saw that I was waving you on, like saying, I'm sorry, I'm trying to get going here or whatever. And you were still freaking the fuck out. Like, no, do better. And for people to insinuate or to act like that toward me when I'm driving, when I know that I'm a good driver, I might drive fast, but I'm a good driver. And in all the years that I've been driving and I'm knocking on wood, even though it's particle board, I'm knocking on wood. Participant #1: I've never been in a wreck. So it just really kind of irked me and frustrated me. And I was just like, you know what? No, absolutely not. This is not how that's going to go down. Participant #1: Moral of the story is be mindful of other drivers. You may not want to drive over the speed limit. Yes, you may want to do this or the other thing. Yes, you might not want to do these things, but be mindful of the people in the car behind you and in front of you also. And if you're that person that doesn't want to drive faster and there's a car behind you that wants to go faster, do not police the road, move the fuck over, get into the shoulder, let people pass you. Do not engage with people, do not cause a scene because you never know what that other person is going through or what their mental stability is or any of that other stuff. Had I not been in control of my facilities at that moment, things could have gotten a lot worse. And it took me an hour to calm down because I was that hyped up and that angry. But that's just me, though. And I know there's a lot of people out there. We don't know what everyone's going through. We're under a lot of stress. We're under pressure from our jobs, we're under pressure and stress from our families, from our day to day finances, bills, whatever else, be mindful. If you don't want to go faster, then pull the fuck over and allow someone else to go faster. If you don't like the way that somebody's driving, pull over let them drive, let them get ahead, let them get the ticket, let them do whatever. But by you policing other people, that only leads to a powder cage where everyone involved is going to be affected and usually not in a very productive way. Participant #1: There's a movie called Unhinged with Russell Crow, and he starts following this woman all throughout her town or the city that they lived in, just making her life a living fucking hell. All because she was rude to him and he was already having a bad day that day anyways, and had, like, murdered some people or whatever. But had she just dealt with him in a civilized manner, he wouldn't have gone as far as he did. She's like, you know what, buddy? We're all having a bad day. And he's like, no, you weren't having a bad day, but you're going to now he sets her house on fire and does all this other stuff. Yes, that's an extreme case of road rage and just psychosis in general. But living in the situations that we live in today, we don't know how far things would come. Would I have actually physically assaulted that woman? No. Am I going to make threatening gestures? Like I might have? Yes. But we all say and do things in the heat of the moment, and then later on, just think about it. And I know that I've been the topic of that person's conversation probably for the last three or four days, but it all boils down to just shutting the fuck up, letting other people live their lives, moving out of the way and calling it good. Does that mean that you need to let yourself become a doormat? No. But at the same time, don't try to police other people. That's not your job. And that only leads to things becoming worse for you. Yeah, there's all that. So Ironically enough, this leads me into the next talking point that I have here, and that is self discovery and reconnecting with yourself. So we live in a time period where we are under so much pressure from so many different directions, and we're constantly worrying about money. We're worrying about our job, our kids, our relationships, our cars, our houses, whatever. We live in a stressful time period, and you need to take time to find yourself every reconnect with yourself. And I'm guilty of this also, but I've been making it a point to try to get out and reconnect with myself in doing so. I usually feel so much better when I'm able to get out and go into the forest or even just go sit in my car by the beach or going to a public park and sitting on the bench and just relaxing and just feeling good, completely disconnecting, like shutting my phone off and just like, sit there and meditate for a few minutes. If you don't have the ability to go to a park or whatever for 45 minutes. Take an extra five or ten minutes in the shower. Take the long way home from work. Do stuff that is only for you. You don't have to constantly burn the candle at both ends. And you know, take a look at those people that are in your life right now. Make a mental note of who is actually there for you when you need them and who are the people that are there constantly asking you for help. But when you need them, it's freaking crickets. Those are the people that you need to steer clear of because they are the ones that are draining you for your resources. Be that your time, your money, your energy, whatever. They are a drain on your resources. Cut them out of your life. You only want people in your life that are there for you as much as you are there for them. It's that whole like wheel of fortune, wheel of life, give and take, Ying and Ying, tit for tat, whatever you want to call it. But look at the people who are in your life and who are very beneficial for you in your life. The analogy that I always make is I think of people as a tree. So there's 100,000 leaves on a tree, but those leaves only come in for a season. Those people are there to teach you something, for you, to learn something from them and only be in your life for a season and then move on. And then the next thing is branches tree could have a million different branches and they all look strong and capable. And the second you step out on them, it breaks away and leaves you falling to the ground and you think that you can stand on this branch and they're there to support you or whatever. But then when they break you're left without that support. But the biggest tree in the forest could only have four or five roots holding it up. And where we make the mistake is trying to make a leaf or a branch. A root. A root never has to be asked to be a root. They are always just going to be there. They're always going to be helping you and they're always going to be supportive of you. And so when we try to make a branch or leaf a root, we get messed up and that's where our connectivity and our need of having people in our life goes away. So just kind of think of that. Don't make a branch or leaf a root, know a leaf from a branch and allow people to come and go from your life. Those who are supposed to be there in your life will always be there in your life. And those who aren't won't be. So I've taken up enough of your time already today. So thank you for listening this far. If you have, I wanted to let you also know that the website has been updated. Participant #1: I haven't released it to the public yet but I have made some update. I had to do some updates to it or whatever but the podcast is now syndicated on Apple podcasts so you'll be able to find me over there now and I'm looking for a few website reviewers so as soon as I get the website reviewed and get some feedback and get those changes implemented then I will release it to the general public but it's in the beta phase right now so if you would be interested in beta testing the website, please let me know and I'm going to go ahead and let you go. So as always, thank you for listening and make sure that you follow me on all the different social medias and I will talk to you all later. Bye guys. Thank you so much for tuning in. You have been listening to Hello Cupcake is me a podcast with your host Michael Peterson. Please make sure to check back often as new episodes are released. Biweekly if you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to send a message to and until next time stay happy, safe and keep doing the best you can with what you have been given.